
Civility and Invitation

I was recently invited to participate in a panel on Civility for the National Endowment on the Humanities and the Vermont Bar Association, and it made me think of the challenges we see in rural towns in a different light. When the Vermont Council on Rural Development led our “Community Visit” process to one small…

Community News VCRD

How a Woodstock Nonprofit Saved $1300 a Year Thanks to Digital Tools

The Ottauquechee Community Partnership (OCPVT) is a locally funded non-profit organization with a focus on connecting young people to the community, bringing community resources to schools and building positive relationships through youth-adult mentoring. For the past several weeks, we have worked with the organization to integrate digital tools and become more efficient. “As a result…

Community News VCRD

Woodstock Area Nonprofits Join Together

At the Vermont Digital Economy Project, we know that a connected community is a resilient community. While we’ve been focusing on using digital tools to build networks within a community, it’s just as important for local nonprofits to recognize the power of off-line networks and coalitions. Many communities have a Chamber of Commerce, an organization…