The Value of a Facebook Like

In a recent post, Pat Ripley of VtSBDC laid out some of the reasons why it is important to have a Facebook presence. In addition to the ability it affords businesses of reaching more customers and nonprofits of reaching more interested people, it is also a signal to either type of consumer that they are…

Does your Nonprofit Need Social Media Surgery?

Is your organization in need of a social media makeover? Nonprofit Advisor and Social Media “Surgeon” Rob Fish discussed social media strategy with “patient” Jahnine Spaulding, Outreach Coordinator of Vermont Operation: Military Kids (VT OMK) at a recent Social Media Surgery in Burlington. A resilient organization has mastered a full range of communication tools. As…

Community News VCRD

How a Woodstock Nonprofit Saved $1300 a Year Thanks to Digital Tools

The Ottauquechee Community Partnership (OCPVT) is a locally funded non-profit organization with a focus on connecting young people to the community, bringing community resources to schools and building positive relationships through youth-adult mentoring. For the past several weeks, we have worked with the organization to integrate digital tools and become more efficient. “As a result…