Editorial: Rising tides

As seen in the Times Argus: http://www.timesargus.com/article/20160225/OPINION01/160229804 A report out this week found that sea levels are rising more rapidly than at any time since the era of ancient Rome. As a result, coastal flooding is becoming commonplace, promising cataclysmic changes in the not-too-distant future. This was the reality hanging over a summit meeting held…

Summit Explores Vermont’s Climate Economy

By Steve Zind, VPR. Listen here: http://digital.vpr.net/post/summit-explores-vermonts-climate-economy More than 400 participants attended the second annual Vermont Climate Economy Summit held Monday in Randolph Center. The day-long event followed the release of the report Progress For Vermont, prepared by the Vermont Climate Change Economy Council. The group was created by the Vermont Council on Rural Development,…

Gathering asks: Could Vermont benefit from climate change?

By Mark Johnson, vtdigger.org: http://vtdigger.org/2016/02/22/gathering-asks-could-vermont-benefit-from-climate-change/ RANDOLPH — Vermont is poised to benefit economically while also helping the world cope with climate change, political and policy leaders agreed Monday. They shared ideas at a conference that drew more than 400 and was punctuated with an impassioned plea by Speaker of the House Shap Smith and a…

VCRD Summit focuses on growing Vt’s green jobs

As seen at Mountain Times: http://mountaintimes.info/vcrd-summit-focuses-on-growing-vts-green-jobs/ RANDOLPH – Strategies for keeping Vermont in the forefront of stimulating the growth of green jobs while reducing carbon emissions were abundant at the Feb. 22 Summit on Vermont’s Climate Economy at Vermont Technical College in Randolph. Over 400 innovative business, non-profit, and community leaders, the Governor’s Climate Cabinet, local officials and students…

Conference Held On Implementing A Climate Economy In Vermont

Listen to the audio of the Pat Bradley story on WAMC: http://wamc.org/post/conference-held-implementing-climate-economy-vermont#stream/0 Hundreds of people gathered in Randolph, Vermont Monday to discuss the state’s “climate economy.” Attendees considered how to advance the state’s economy in the midst of climate change. Last year the Vermont Council on Rural Development held a conference on how the state…