VCRD is facilitating a non-partisan and broad-based partnership to support local agriculture and forestry, grow and attract farm and forest entrepreneurs, and conserve Vermont’s Working Landscape far into the future. Join the Partnership to add your voice, keep informed, and help shape the campaign for Vermont’s Working Landscape.

Act 142: Vermont Working Lands Enterprise Investment Bill

The Vermont Working Lands Enterprise Investment Bill turned the recommendations in the Vermont Working Landscape Partnership’s Action Plan into legislative language for consideration by Vermont lawmakers in the spring of 2012. The bill (S.246 and H.496) passed the House and the Senate, and was signed by Gov. Shumlin in May 2012 as Act 142. Legislative Intent:…

Working Lands In Action

We are actively working to promote the growth of the WLEF fund through the Working Lands Coalition, which we convened to support continued public funding for farm and forest enterprises, with a goal of $15M which will be transformational for Vermont's cultural and economic future. Meet some of the farmers and foresters that received working…

Conference Focuses on Financing Working Lands

Vermont Public Radio: According to those working to improve farming and forestry opportunities in Vermont, the state is experiencing a renaissance.  There’s an influx of interested young people and a host of new ideas for keeping the land productive. The third annual Financing the Working Landscape Conference Thursday  in Middlebury will provide a chance…

Working Lands “Service Provider” and “Capital and Infrastructure” grants will be announced at June 18 Press Conference

16 Grantees will Receive Over $750,000 in Total Funding Governor Peter Shumlin, Agency of Agriculture Secretary Chuck Ross, Agency of Commerce and Community Development Secretary Lawrence Miller, Dept. of Forests, Parks and Recreation Commissioner Michael Snyder, and the Working Lands Enterprise Board will announce the 1st round of grant recipients from the “Service Provider” and…

News from VCRD

Free Individual Digital Advising to Help Farm & Forest Ventures Improve Operations

The Vermont Council on Rural Development (VCRD) has its roots in the 1992 Farm Bill.  The organization has also taken strong leadership in the creation of Vermont’s Working Landscape Partnership, a non-partisan and broad-based coalition to support local agriculture and forestry, grow and attract farm and forest entrepreneurs, and conserve Vermont’s “Working Landscape” far into…

Working Lands Coalition Calls for “5-by-3” Investment: Five million per year for three years will build a strong working lands economy

Members of the Working Lands Coalition launched their “5-by-3” campaign on Wednesday, February 13, 2013, at the Vermont State House. The day included an early morning presentation to the Rural Economic Development Working Group (REDWG), testimony in front of the House and Senate Agriculture Committees, and a press conference in the Cedar Creek Room. The…