Helping businesses and nonprofits in small VT towns use online tools to spur economic development and improve disaster resilience.

Nonprofit Advising

Nonprofit advising helped nonprofits in flood impacted communities who were looking to improve their use of online tools. This advising took place both in structured workshops and in the form of one-on-one consulting. Topics addressed included: Social Media Google Apps Online and Mobile Fundraising Online Archiving Website Management and Makeovers Disaster Preparedness Community Engagement Looking…


Wi-Fi Zones and Hotspots

In order to help towns develop in a digitally-based world, and to promote economic resiliency and flood recovery, the Digital Economy Project implemented Wi-Fi zones as well as individual hotspots in towns across the state. These zones cover downtown areas in towns, and allow free internet access to any townsperson passing through, or any tourist…

News from VCRD

Free Individual Digital Advising to Help Farm & Forest Ventures Improve Operations

The Vermont Council on Rural Development (VCRD) has its roots in the 1992 Farm Bill.  The organization has also taken strong leadership in the creation of Vermont’s Working Landscape Partnership, a non-partisan and broad-based coalition to support local agriculture and forestry, grow and attract farm and forest entrepreneurs, and conserve Vermont’s “Working Landscape” far into…

Community News VCRD

How a Woodstock Nonprofit Saved $1300 a Year Thanks to Digital Tools

The Ottauquechee Community Partnership (OCPVT) is a locally funded non-profit organization with a focus on connecting young people to the community, bringing community resources to schools and building positive relationships through youth-adult mentoring. For the past several weeks, we have worked with the organization to integrate digital tools and become more efficient. “As a result…

Community News VCRD

Woodstock Area Nonprofits Join Together

At the Vermont Digital Economy Project, we know that a connected community is a resilient community. While we’ve been focusing on using digital tools to build networks within a community, it’s just as important for local nonprofits to recognize the power of off-line networks and coalitions. Many communities have a Chamber of Commerce, an organization…