A way for towns to engage and bring together their residents, set common goals and directions in a neutral and facilitated structure, and access resources that will help them take action on those goals.

Connecting Toward Recovery and Renewal: Final Report of the Local Support and Community Action Team

The "Covid-19 Local Support and Community Action Team" (LSCAT) is one of the committees of the Economic Mitigation & Recovery Task Force established by Vermont Governor Scott to provide technical assistance and expertise to mitigate the devastating short-term economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, and develop strategies designed to speed long-term business and community recovery.…

Covid19 Response and Recovery

The COVID-19 pandemic took us all by surprise. When the public health crisis hit in early March 2020, community leaders stepped up throughout Vermont to build local response and mutual aid groups to address local needs. In that chaotic time these groups needed a backbone organization to provide support, build connections, and foster the sharing…