A way for towns to engage and bring together their residents, set common goals and directions in a neutral and facilitated structure, and access resources that will help them take action on those goals.

Poultney Community Visit Report – 2002

Through the Community Visit process, Poultney built new youth activities and mentorships, expanded collaborations with Green Mountain College, designed new town banners and a town marketing strategy, beautified Main Street and filled storefronts, developed a Community Video, started an Artist and Writers Guilds, opened the slate museum, and built a consensus Vision for the community.…

Richford Community Visit Report – 1997

Through this community visit process, Richford merged the village & town; built affordable housing, as well as river paths, and a new health center, and created plans to redevelop Sweat‐Cummings downtown industrial plant. The town also charted millions in grants in support of Community Visit Task Force action plans. Read the Report and Action Plan