The Climate Economy Programs are designed to help communities build and implement priority actions that increase economic vitality and affordability in a time of climate change.

Paul Costello Commentary: Addressing climate change while boosting Vermont’s economy

As seen in the Carbon tax. Cap and Trade. Carbon Markets. Depending on our point of view, these concepts might make us nervous about raising the cost of living when we are already struggling to pay our bills. Or we may feel passionately about the necessity of pricing carbon for the future of…

Ross Sneyd Commentary: Electric vehicles, weatherization can save thousands

As seen in the Stowe Reporter: As with most adages, there’s truth to one we hear a lot: Vermont can be an expensive place to live. After we pay the rent or mortgage, taxes, health care, transportation and heating, there’s often not much left over. It’s a fact of our rural economy. But that’s…

Vermont Climate Economy Action Team announces 2019 action priorities

The Vermont Climate Economy Action Team (CEAT) today announced their 2019 agenda for advancing economic progress and making Vermont more affordable by helping Vermonters use energy more efficiently and meet their heating and transportation needs with renewable energy sources. “While the national economy is bustling, many areas of Vermont are searching for new approaches to…

Randolph Region Re-Energized (R3) next meeting June 11 – VTC President Patricia Moulton to serve as initiative chairperson

RANDOLPH – The Randolph Region Re-Energized (R3) initiative will convene on June 11 as four task forces focused on community priorities meet to develop action plans. Joining these conversations will be a resource team of issue-area experts from around Vermont who will provide technical advice and help to identify resources important for success. The task force meetings…

Pownal farms put out the welcome mat

By Cherise Madigan, as seen in the Bennington Banner:,539776? POWNAL — Are you ready to discover Pownal? With a slew of events planned for this summer — including farm tours and workshops, an Independence Day picnic, and a fall harvest festival — a Pownal initiative is working to make the town’s farms and food…

Randolph Picks Its Missions: ‘Re-Energized’ Project Inches Toward Goals

By Tim Calabro, as seen in the Randolph Herald: Though the volume of people filling the RUHS cafeteria Monday night was slightly less impressive than the hundreds that took part in the first round of the Randolph Region Re-Energized project, scores of Randolph-area residents turned out to take part in the initiative’s second phase…

Current Programs

Vermonters are creating answers to climate change that will be foundations for the economic renewal of the state. The Climate Economy is the economy of the future, informed by Vermont’s history of independence, frugality, resiliency, and innovation. Our current Climate Economy programs and strategies include: Climate Economy Resilient Communities Technical assistance and support to communities…

Catalysts of the Climate Economy Summit – 2017

Over 500 entrepreneurs, investors, and thought leaders attended the cc:econ Catalysts of the Climate Economy Summit – a 3-day national innovation summit in Burlington, Vermont to gear up for the next stage of economic development and prosperity in a low-carbon future and accelerate progress toward the significant economic opportunities associated with solving the unprecedented challenges…