The Climate Economy Programs are designed to help communities build and implement priority actions that increase economic vitality and affordability in a time of climate change.
Blue Spruce Farm in Bridport, Vermont is known for the many gallons of milk that its cows produce each year to produce Cabot Cheddar Cheese at a plant located just 9 miles from the farm. However, Blue Spruce also has another claim to fame; in 2006, they became the first Cow Power farm in the…
Burlington-based Encore Renewable Energy is a leading integrated clean energy company specializing in commercial, industrial, and community-scale solar PV systems and 21st century solutions for underutilized property. Encore’s projects showcase an innovative approach to alternative energy generation that build community partnership and collaboration, help to position key Vermont organizations, businesses and institutions as climate economy…
Over 420 participants came together on February 22, 2016 for VCRD’s 2nd Climate Economy Summit: IDEAS to ACTION. Participants reviewed PROGRESS FOR VERMONT, the report and action plan of the Vermont Climate Change Economy Council and worked to identify strategies to make Vermont a national leader in achieving climate economy business development, innovation, and job…
VCRD Summit Highlights Talented students from the Emergent Media Center at Champlain College interviewed Summit speakers and participants to capture the spirit of the Summit in video. Their showing of a first draft at the close of the Summit was a huge hit and a great way to end a great day. Here’s their final…
As seen in the Times Argus: A report out this week found that sea levels are rising more rapidly than at any time since the era of ancient Rome. As a result, coastal flooding is becoming commonplace, promising cataclysmic changes in the not-too-distant future. This was the reality hanging over a summit meeting held…
By Steve Zind, VPR. Listen here: More than 400 participants attended the second annual Vermont Climate Economy Summit held Monday in Randolph Center. The day-long event followed the release of the report Progress For Vermont, prepared by the Vermont Climate Change Economy Council. The group was created by the Vermont Council on Rural Development,…
By Mark Johnson, RANDOLPH — Vermont is poised to benefit economically while also helping the world cope with climate change, political and policy leaders agreed Monday. They shared ideas at a conference that drew more than 400 and was punctuated with an impassioned plea by Speaker of the House Shap Smith and a…
By Gregory Dennis, Addison County Independent: When confronted with the latest piece of bad news about climate change – record-high temperatures, devastating floods, the North Pole turned into a giant swimming pool – I’m inclined to respond as the writer Dorothy Parker did to many events: “What fresh hell is this?” So it was…
In the midst of one of the warmest winters in memory, how can Vermont adapt to the new realities of climate change? Paul Costello of the Vermont Council on Rural Development has been exploring this issue with community leaders all around Vermont. He has helped lead the Vermont Climate Change Economy Council, which recently issued a five-year…
As seen at Mountain Times: RANDOLPH – Strategies for keeping Vermont in the forefront of stimulating the growth of green jobs while reducing carbon emissions were abundant at the Feb. 22 Summit on Vermont’s Climate Economy at Vermont Technical College in Randolph. Over 400 innovative business, non-profit, and community leaders, the Governor’s Climate Cabinet, local officials and students…