The Climate Economy Programs are designed to help communities build and implement priority actions that increase economic vitality and affordability in a time of climate change.

It’s More Than a Job

Danielle Bombardier, has found an opportunity for employment and growth in the expansion of renewable energy projects in Vermont. Originally drawn to the work by the potential for advancement, training, and access to benefits for her family, she is now excited about the chance to put her skills to use into the clean energy sector.…

Model Communities FAQ’s

Climate Economy Model Communities Program – Frequently Asked Questions – Updated March 15 1. Can more than one town join together in one application? Possibly. VCRD finds organizing at the town level to be most effective when engaging a community. If there is another governance structure or a track-record of joining across town lines on…

The Right House

The Right House is a Stowe Vermont-based architectural firm that designs modern low carbon homes that stay true to the spirit of Vermont. Projects may include renovations or new construction, commercial or residential, but they all have one thing in common – they use less energy for heating and cooling; drastically reducing carbon emissions. Harry…

Front Porch Forum Innovator Story

Helping Neighbors Reduce Carbon Footprint and Invest in Resilient Community

(FPF) is a free community-building platform that now serves every town in Vermont.* This service helps residents communicate with their neighbors, connecting people to their community and each other. In addition to building connections, the hyper-local social media platform is also a catalyst of Vermont’s climate economy. FPF helps Vermonters reduce their carbon footprints through…

Local Publisher with a Global Mission

Green Writers Press (GWP) is a Vermont-based global publisher with a mission to help foster a sustainable environment through the words and the images they publish. Dede Cummings, the founder and managing director/editor of the business, carefully considers both her business and personal decisions to ensure that they are in line with the standards GWP…

Efficiency Vermont

Empowering Energy Efficiency, One Loan at a Time

VSECU is a not for profit, cooperative credit union that is committed to finding opportunities within both its operations and its business products to promote environmentally sound choices for its member-owners and its employees. We’re proud to provide products and services that foster environmental prosperity and support our growing climate economy,” said Laurie Fielder, VGreen…

A Different Kind of Fuel Dealer

is a 15-year-old full service fuel dealer serving 2,500 members and customers in northwestern and central Vermont. The Co-op delivers heating oil, kerosene, and wood pellets and maintains, replaces and repairs a wide range of residential heating equipment. Quality service and member savings are front and center for General Manager John Quinney, but the Co-op…