e-Vermont initiatives in West Rutland were spearheaded by Town Manager Mary Ann Goulette and a team from the West Rutland School, West Rutland Public Library, town government, and local businesses.  In one short year, this team delivered:

  • A public access Wi-Fi zone stretching down Main and Marble Streets where residents and visitors can freely access the Internet from their laptops and handheld devices;
  • Fifty-three netbook packages and training for the West Rutland School to ensure that every student in grades 5 and 6 receives a 21st century education;
  • A duplex scanner to create digital land records for back-up preservation and public access – Town Hall now has a public station where citizens access the index and records;
  • Read about many other accomplishments in the West Rutland Re-cap (pdf).

For more information about e-Vermont in West Rutland, contact:

Mary Ann Goulette
West Rutland Town Manager

e-Vermont Stories from West Rutland