e-Vermont Year Two Update – March 2012
In the months since the mid-year annual report was published, e-Vermont continued its ambitious projects. This report outlines its accomplishments. Read the full report here (PDF).
In the months since the mid-year annual report was published, e-Vermont continued its ambitious projects. This report outlines its accomplishments. Read the full report here (PDF).
In the months since the year-one annual report was published, e-Vermont continued its ambitious projects. This report outlines its accomplishments. Read the full report here (PDF).
Investing in our Farm and Forest Future is the final report of the Vermont Working Landscape Partnership Council. It offers five recommendations to help reinvigorate the state’s rural economy: Build a major campaign to celebrate the distinctiveness of the working landscape that is Vermont. Target strategic investment through a Vermont Agriculture and Forest Products Development…
During the Community Visit process in Morristown, community members identified 4 priority areas for future action: Develop a Morrisville Food Coop and Organize the Foods Industry Organize a Business Incubator Redevelop Empty Buildings Downtown Improve Trails and Walkways and Physically Unify the Town by Building a Pedestrian Bridge Read the Full Report and Action Plan…