Insulated panels help reduce energy use

Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) make up one of the most sustainable, energy-efficient construction methods in the residential and light commercial building industry today. Essentially, these are panels that sandwich a hard skin on either side of a core insulating layer. The rigid insulation blankets the entire structure in a well-sealed envelope, a critical factor for…

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Lowering the price on large scale solar

Nathaniel Vandal is the co-founder of Green Peak Solar, a Waitsfield, Vermont-based company focusing on developing large-scale solar energy systems for utilities, towns, school districts, and businesses in the Green Mountain State. Founded in 2012, Green Peak is committed to finding the lowest cost for generating solar in Vermont and is demonstrating its success through…

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Cutting fossil fuel use with compost heat

Enosburg Falls, VT – Most people know about composting—the natural recycling process that converts food scraps, leaves, and manures into soil building compost and mulch. What is less known is that this decomposition process also generates a substantial amount of heat. Agrilab Technologies, Inc. in Enosburg Falls has developed a patented system to help farms,…

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Energy innovation + preservation = downtown revitalization

Stevens & Associates, P.C., an architectural and engineering firm, has a passion for walkable environments and mixed use buildings. Their work focuses on urban revitalization and the repurposing of existing historic buildings. By creating compact diversified environments, users can access multiple services and locations throughout the day without driving. Rebuilding such places uses the embodied…

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