The Internet Interns program began as part of e-Vermont, and continued through the Digital Economy Project. In this program the Vermont State Colleges connected public libraries in towns across Vermont with Internet Interns. These student interns worked for 4-8 hours a week, providing one-on-one assistance to patrons to answer their Internet questions as well as collaborating with librarians to design special technology projects.

This program benefitted everyone involved: libraries could offer help with digital literacy, patrons got individualized assistance, library staff and volunteers had their own questions answered by the intern, and the interns themselves gained valuable experience as instructors.

The Community College of Vermont and Vermont Department of Libraries coordinated the Internet Interns project for e-Vermont as a pilot in 2011 and 2012. The program was extended an extra semester through an Innovations and Collaborations grant from the Vermont Community Foundation. It then ran as part of the Vermont Digital Economy Project through 2014.

Please Note: We are no longer accepting new requests for Internet Interns.

Where We Have Had Internet Interns

We had internet interns located at libraries in the following towns:
